
... so that you know... who... where... when & why...

Rick Simon


Hedonist Rick Simon (portrayed by Gerald McRaney) manages a private detective agency in San Diego with his brother, A.J. In contrast to his ordinary and ambitious brother, Andrew Jackson Simon, nicknamed A.J., Rick is a rather untidy man who lives on a somewhat rundown houseboat.


Celia Simon, Rick and A.J.’s mother, is quite sceptical about their detective work. In her opinion, the detective agency cannot produce sufficient money to live on, and if you look at Rick's houseboat, one may think that Celia is right.


Rick Simon, who, as a Vietnam veteran, is used to danger, is quite hot-headed and often unpredictable. He never turns down an adventure. However, during all cases, he feels more attracted to a good-looking woman rather than to his work.


Rick thinks little of conventions and rules and adheres only to the laws that fit him. This nonconformity is also reflected in the fact that he disapproves of his brother’s fashion style, who usually wears a suit and tie. Rick wears mostly jeans, a shirt, and cowboy boots and a cowboy hat. Overall, both the houseboat and its owner make a modest impression.


A.J. repeatedly tries to persuade his brother to adopt a more conservative lifestyle. This often leads to disputes between the brothers, however, this does not stop A.J. from further attempts. Nevertheless, the cooperation between the two private detectives, Simon & Simon, is very successful and Rick is always willing to help his brother when he needs it.


This does not change the fact that Rick Simon prefers to roam the city and region in his truck rather than devote himself to boring research tasks. This often lack of labour is also something that often causes fights between the brothers.


You may find all episodes of the Simon & Simon series here.
