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Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds is a television series broadcast since 2005 by the American network CBS, in the course of which the work of the the Behavioural Analysis Unit (BAU) of the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) is presented. The focus of the series is on a highly specialized team of investigators dealing with surgical case analysis.


Supervisory Special Agent Jason Gideon built this unit and is also the head of the BAU. The investigative team tries to create an image on the identity of the perpetrator on the basis of findings at the scene, the crime scene photos and notes. The big difference in Criminal Minds is that there is generally less crime in the foreground and it focuses more on the criminals and the motivations that have driven him to their deed.


The Behavioural Analysis Unit of the FBI is concerned, as the name implies, with the analysis of offender behaviour. In almost all cases, the BAU consults with the local police authorities to assist in the search for the perpetrator or perpetrators. Even if the unit is located on the FBI's facility in Quantico, investigators still fly back and forth across the U.S., as requested by the local police.


During their work, the members of the team try to put themselves mentally in the offender’s shoes. After the unit has developed a profile based on the knowledge gathered at the scene as well as all other relevant facts, they inform the investigating police officer, so he may restrict his attention to a much smaller group of suspects. This profile also helps prevent further crimes.


The horror of the profession, because they deal in their work exclusively with the darkest depths of human nature, is pungent for the members of the profiler team. Although most people tend to avoid the scene of a crime, these investigators have no choice because it is part of their work to inspect it and record facts and information that can help solve the crime.


Each member of the team of investigators has their own special abilities in the service, so they are not employed individually.



Investigators of the BAU Team in the Series Criminal Minds

Aaron Hotchner (nicknamed Hotch) – former attorney

Jason Gideon - psychologist

Derek Morgan – expert in compulsive personality disorders

David Rossi

Dr. Spencer Reid – specialist in geographic profiling and linguistics

Elle Greenaway – specialist in sexually motivated crimes

Emily Prentiss

Jennifer Jareau (nicknamed JJ) – responsible for public relations

Penelope Garcia – computer specialist


Jason Gideon parted from this very successful series in the fourth sessions since he cannot deal anymore with the horror that surrounds him every day. The actual reason why the character was removed from the series were too high salary demands of the actor.


As far as a secondary line is concerned, the series also deals with the problems of the private investigators, so that we can see, how they have to fight with professional stress and constant dread.


You may find all episodes of the series Criminal Minds here.


Penelope Garcia


Jennifer Jareau


Emily Prentiss


Elle Greenaway


Dr. Spencer Reid


David Rossi


Derek Morgan


Jason Gideon


Aaron Hotchner


Episode guide of Criminal Minds
