
... so that you know... who... where... when & why...

Lord Peter Wimsey


Lord Peter Death Bredon Wimsey born in 1890 as the second son of Mortimer Gerald Bredon Wimsey, 15th Duke of Denver, and his wife Honoria Lucasta. Peter Wimsey has two siblings, his sister, Lady Mary, and his brother, Gerald Christian Wimsey, 16th Duke of Denver, who is married to his cousin Helen, Duchess of Denver.


Peter Wimsey enjoyed an excellent education. He attended Eton College and earned a degree in history at Oxford. In the time of World War I (1914-1918) Lord Wimsey worked for the British secret service, where he held the rank of Major. While working for the secret service, hisinterest for investigating and detective work was awakened.


In the course of time, this interest arose his greatest hobby - criminology. Since the Lord had no financially independent professional obligations, he investigated crimes for his amusement and moral motives. He is helped, on the one hand, by his friend, Charles Parker, Detective Inspector at Scotland Yard. On the other hand, he can count on the help of his faithful servant Bunter, with whom he had been wartime buddies. Together they solve the most complex murder cases.


Lord Peter temporarily inhabited an apartment at the address 110A Piccadilly, W1 in London and is a member of the finest clubs in the city. He collects rare and antique books and bookcases, which occupy the walls of his living room, and valuable old books decorated with leather. In addition to these, the spacious living room also hosts another panel, a large sofa and two matching armchairs.


The aristocratic-looking Lord Wimsey often sits with his friend Parker in this living room and discussed a complicated murder case, while Wimsey smokes one of his Sobranie cigarettes or pipe.


The reader also learns that Lord Peter wears tailor-made suits from Saville Row in London and drives a double six Mercedes with racing body, copper exhaust pipes, and a sleek coachwork.


In the course of the stories, Wimsey’s sister, Lady Mary, becomes closer to Detective Inspector Charles Parker and they later even marry. Lord Peter Wimsey also married in the course of the narratives.  He makes mystery author Deborah Vane’s acquaintance and falls in love with her. Deborah Vane Wimsey also assists him during his investigations into murder cases. The two later married and had three sons.


The individual characters of the crime novels by Dorothy L. Sayers about Lord Peter Wimsey are shown adorably with just the right amount of British humour. In addition, the exciting and compelling thrillers are characterized by intelligent techniques, and vividly depicted characters.


Lord Peter Wimsey's believes that it is a well-established psychological experience that criminals cannot rest. They would try to cover their tracks, where they have left none. This behaviour triggers a chain reaction that leads to suspicion. The matters covered by evidence lead to the conviction and execution of the judgment by the gallows.



Other Characters

Mervyn Bunter, Butler

Bunter has already served in World War I as a sergeant under Lord Wimsey and remained in his service after the war. However, his duties go far beyond a butler. Bunter sometimes assists his employer in criminal matters.


Charles Parker, Inspector at Scotland Yard

Despite their large social differences, Charles Parker is one of Lord Peter’s best friends of. He knows that his friend is well beyond playing detective out of boredom. His wit and his sense for crime have gain the respect of the intelligent and responsible Parker.


Honoria Lucasta Wimsey, Mother of Lord Peter Wimsey

The Dowager Duchess of Denver is the only member of the family who does not regard the criminal activities of her son with contempt. On the contrary, she is very interested in the activities of her son and supports him in his investigations.


J. Murbles, Lawyer

Lord Peter Wimsey constantly assigns tasks to Murbles. Murbles is a gentleman of the old school, which at times makes for very interesting headgear. His hats, caps, cheese, etc. are hand made from his designs by a very exclusive and expensive Hatter in London's West. The headquarters of the lawyer’s firm are in Staple Inn.


Lord Peter Wimsey Novels


J. Murbles, Rechtsanwalt

Lord Peter Wimsey zieht Murbles immer wieder fur Auftrage heran. Murbles ist ein Gentleman alter Schule, der zeitweise sehr interessante Kopfbedeckungen tragt. Diese Hute, Kappen, Zylinder usw. werden nach seinen Entwurfen von einem sehr exklusiven und teuren Hutmacher im Londoner Westend fur ihn handgefertigt. Der Sitz der Kanzlei des Rechtsanwaltes befindet sich in Staple Inn.


Lord Peter Wimsey Novels

Whose Body?

Clouds of Witness

Unnatural Death

The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club

Strong Poison

Five Red Herrings

Have His Carcase

Murder Must Advertise

The Nine Tailors

Gaudy Night

Busman's Honeymoon

Thrones, Dominations

A Presumption of Death

The Attenbury Emeralds
