
... so that you know... who... where... when & why...

Ellery Queen


The writer Ellery Queen is a fictional character who was invented by the two authors Frederick Dannay and Manfred B. Lee. The crime writers invented this character, living in Brooklyn, one of the five boroughs of New York City, during an author's competition.


In order to participate, a pseudonym had to be used for the manuscript and, with their ??flair for marketing, the cousins ??did not only make up a name for the content, but also invented a story to beat. The amateur detective Ellery Queen was a thriller-writer who writes down his own investigations.


In 1941, Dannay and Lee brought the Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine to the market. Frederick Dannay, who owned one of the largest collections of crime short stories in the United States, used this collection initially to fill the magazine.


The cousins ??paid attention from the very beginning that the quality of the magazine was different from the so-called pulp magazines. Thus, for example, a careful selection of authors and stories were focused on, gaining great popularity among both readers and critics.


Many detective stories have been published in their magazine either as first publication or reprinting. The authors of the magazine over the years also included Nobel laureate and Pulitzer Prize winner John Steinbeck, Arthur Miller and many other great writers. Over the years, the magazine has lost its importance, yet is still very well known for its important contributions to the thriller writer Ellery Queen in Mystery Magazine.


In 1971, Manfred B. Lee died, so Frederick Dannay led the EQMM alone. Since 1992, it was run by Eleanor Sullivan and Janet Hutchings. And not just Lee and Dannay have published stories under the pseudonym Ellery Queen. Among many other authors, the American writer Jack Vance also published three detective novels under the pseudonym Ellery Queen.



1950 Special Edgar of the Mystery Writers of America

1952 Special Edgar of the Mystery Writers of America

1961 Grand Master Award of the Mystery Writers of America

1969 Special Edgar of the Mystery Writers of America

1978 Grad prix de litterature policiere

1981 Special Grand Master of the Swedish Crime Academy
