
... so that you know... who... where... when & why...

Sports Investigations

Sports fall into two main categories: amateur and professional. In amateur sports, there are usually no cases deeming investigation, since there is no material gain.

In professional sport however, especially nowadays, financial gains and risks make inspection and specialised research vital. The supervisory, organisational and inspectional role of the State is non-existant, while the lack of financial resources due to the current financial crisis have made any corruption inspection inadequate. On top of that, every feeling of safety and legitimacy is invalidated, when there is the possibility of using illegitimate means in reaching one's goals.

After the latest events of match-rigging, many people believe that this is the only reason for sports investigations. Efforts to affect performance and secret deals to rig matches can bring in billions of euros, illegally of course. But Detective private investigation agency can also cover other fields.

These might have to do with safety of sports grounds and their environment, illegal drug use by athletes, giving them an unfair advantage, determining contract terms, matters of blackmail or deceit so that someone is forced to agree to certain terms, background check for potential investors and so on.

More and more public and private companies are turning to private investigators so as to have an objective researcher in their investigations, but also the proper, well-trained, specialised personell which with guarantee immediate results.

Our agency and its associates, through constant specialised collaboration with investigators on a regional and global level, can offer such services whenever asked, always with confidentiality, discretion and trust due to the delicacy of the particular sector and the popularity of sports to the majority of society.
