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Cheating: Interesting facts and research


The latest research concerning infidelity and how men and women view it.

Women are unfaithful after the age of thirty.

Unlike men, women tend to instinctively prefer monogamous relationships, according to research. This is apparently because they feel they need help to raise possible offspring.

If however they succumb to temptation and feel the need for a sexual escapade, this is most likely to happen during their thirties. The reason is once again biological, according to the latest international survey, which says that women apparently see this age as their last chance to secure the right father for their children.

At the same time, entering one's fourth decade of life coincides with their sexual climax, therefore increasing their chances of finding a desirable partner.

According to the same study, this increased sociosexuality in that particular period of life, reflects an evolutionary reproduction strategy, which maximises the chances of a healthy conception. This realisation seems to be confirmed by the breaking up of several relationships or even marriages, when the women are 30 or a little over that.

According to different scientific research, there are biological as well as evolutionary reasons why men usually have increased sexual activity and are unfaithful more often than women. In most cultures women are the ones charged with the responsibility of childbirth, breast-feeding and generally bringing up the baby, which means they tend to be more selective when it comes to their sexual partners. Men, who do not have that responsibility, can be more open to short-term relationships.

Women with a big chin are more unfaithful.

New scientific research has revealed that women with a big chin are more sexually active than those with a smaller chin. Also, it is more likely that they may cheat on their partner. The interesting fact is that they seem to be less appealing to men looking for a long-term partner.

Big chin on a woman is usually the result of high testosterone levels. This male hormone increases sexual confidence in a woman, which is a tendency usually attributed to men.

Researchers realised that men, when looking for a long-term relationship, reject women with male characteristics, such as a pointy big chin, subconsciously fearing they will cheat on them.

Psychologists believe that this is due to evolution, which makes men want a woman who will have children only with themselves. So, a man, just by looking at this woman's face, can instinctively determine how "dangerous" she can be and therefore whether she is the right person for a long-term relationship.

Infidelity strengthens semen

For the first time biologists discovered that competition amongst sperm increases their size, speed, number and longevity.

Thus, while females naturally take their time in searching for the best possible partner, even showing tendencies of infidelity and rejection of monogamy, increasing the competition between the males, semen on the other hand evolves becoming better in every possible way, in order to live up to female expectations.


Until now scientists knew that in some animals, eg chimpanzees, who are more sexually active, sperm has a higher velocity than that of the more monogamous gorillas. No biologist however could be sure about whether there was a pattern throughout the animal kingdom,  while it was also hard to prove that faster sperm really has a comparitive advantage when it comes to ferilising an egg.

A research team at McMaster University in Canada, headed by Sigal Balshine, in collaboration with Australian and Swedish biologists from the University of Upsalla, studied the issue in depth using fish, which cover the whole sexual behavioural spectrum, from monogamy to "polyandry", during which a series of males try to fertilise a single female.

Grouping the fish species based on how often they had sex, and recording characteristics such as speed and sperm size, the biologists discovered that competition truly leads to increase in sperm quality. The sperm of strictly monogamous fish species is small and slow, but the more sexually active the species, the better the sperm, up to the opposite extreme of the sexual spectrum, where the sperm is twice as big, faster and twice as much, while those fish live longer.

Men feel more remorse for their infidelity.

We may think that women are more sensitive, and therefore feel more sorry if they happen to cheat on their partner. But, unfortunately, the truth is quite different. A recent survey proved that men feel badly if they have cheated on their wives. Women, on the other hand, do feel remorse, but not as much for the carnal infidelity, as for the sentimental one.

More specifically, if a woman falls in love with another man, she feels worse than if she was just cheating on her partner during a one-night stand, which does not mean much to her. In other words, even if she has not had sex with the "other man", her conscience will still trouble her for the thoughts alone and not because of a possible sexual infidelity.


Infidelity seriously harms health

New research in Italy, claims that infidelity can cause headaches, which could even lead to death!

Specifically, during illegal sex, there appears a type of headache that can become unbearable! Professor Lorenzo Pinesi of the Italian Migraine Society points out that this type of headache ails around 15% of the Italian population, mainly men.

The headache intensifies with other related factors such as afrodisiacs, sexual enhancement drugs and the stress caused by the need to keep the affair secret.


Professor Pinesi adds: "Such a condition can cause extremely acute headaches which last up to 3 hours, and can lead to aneurism, which could prove lethal."


Men smell cheaters easier

For years we have been brainwashed into believing that women are more cunning and can get away with infidelity. On the other hand, men are supposedly careless and their escapades are easy to spot by their wives. But according to the latest survey by  "Human Nature" magazine, we are wrong!


Researchers from the University of Virginia at Richmond, lead by Paul Andrews, gave 203 heterosexual couples a questionnaire and then analysed their answers. What they realised was that, even though men are more likely to cheat on their partner (29% admitted having already done so) they are just as capable (94% as opposed to 80% for women) at guessing right when it came to their partner's infidelity. Also, 75% of men, as opposed to only 41% of women, managed to expose the infidelity.

Another fact that came out of this study was that men are more honest compared to women as to their infidelities. Apparently men were almost completely honest, whereas only 18.5% admitted they have done it and a 10% have done it but have not revealed it to their partners.
